2 Top Ways To Reignite Creativity and Artistic Motivation
Are you feeling stuck in a creative rut? It happens to the best of us. Whether you're an artist, writer, or musician, everyone experiences a lack of inspiration from time to time. But fear not, there are ways to reignite your creativity and artistic motivation. Here are two top methods to get those creative juices flowing again.
1. Take a Class or Workshop in Something You've Always Had an Interest In
Following your interests can lead to surprising finds. One of the best ways to spark your creativity is to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Taking a class or workshop in a subject that has always piqued your interest can provide you with fresh perspectives and ideas. Whether it's pottery, photography, or even improv comedy, learning a new skill can help you break out of your creative block.
For me, off beat experiences, trips and classes have enhanced my life overall. Diverse adventures have made me more introspective, and others find me to be an interesting person to talk to. I remain open to learning new things, even if its something I've never considered before, a prime example would be the bee keeping class I once attended. I now possess a wealth of fairly useless knowledge, but your never know when it might come in handy!
I had always been fascinated by forensic facial reconstruction sculptures. Although I never seriously considered it as a potential career path, when I came upon a week long intensive workshop on the subject I could not pass it up. It was a truly unique experience and it changed my life in several ways. Not only did we learn the process of reconstructing a human face based on its underlying bone structure, we visited a body farm and learned some interesting anthropological facts. Although not the intention of the workshop, the experience changed how I think abut life and death, and the relationship of art to my life.
In this course we worked with oil based clay. I had always hated working with clay as I detest the rough, cakey, tactile feeling of dried clay on my hands. Oil based clay however, is lovely. It is smooth, doesn't stick to your hands and never dries. I discovered a new love of sculpture. Since this clay never dries it needs to be cast to preserve it. I have now learned quite a lot about sculpture, and the process of creating a bronze piece and working with a foundry. I cant even express the feeling of seeing your first bronze sculpture come to fruition. It was very much like the first time I saw my art published in a magazine, or when I received the first print copy of my first book.
2. Try a Creativity Book or Exercise
If you prefer a more introspective approach, delving into a creativity book or trying out a creativity exercise can also help jumpstart your artistic motivation. There are countless books available that offer tips, techniques, and exercises to boost your creativity and provide you with the inspiration you need to get back on track.
My second book, "How To See What Isn't There" is filled with my thoughts and ideas on sparking new creative paths and is available at the link above.
Additionally, engaging in creativity exercises such as free writing, brainstorming, or even doodling can help stimulate your imagination and encourage innovative thinking. These simple activities can help you break free from creative blocks and generate new ideas. Playing with new mediums or products can also spark fresh ideas. See some cool product recommendations at my Amazon storefront.
Remember, creativity is a muscle that needs to be exercised regularly. By exploring new interests and trying out different techniques, you can reignite your creativity and find fresh inspiration for your artistic endeavors. So don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Who knows, you may discover a hidden talent or passion along the way!